This is where I keep my sometimes long, sometimes rambling thoughts. Lately, I've flitted from thing to thing without pausing to reflect on my feelings towards things I read, concepts I learn, what I like and dislike, my own opinions and arguments, life(?), and so on. When I do pause, I don't spend time articulating my reflections. I want to go more in depth. It'd be nice to stop and comb out the knots that tangle up in my mind and weave the loose threads into something I can read back on.
That's where this page comes in. Think of the things I write here as informal essays. What I mean is that, rather than writing in stream-of-consciousness, I'll try to keep it structured. It's been a long time since I've written any essays, so I hope it'll be fun!!
When I've got some thoughts to share, I'll be linking them in a list here. I don't have any set schedule for how often I'll write them. Thus, I may publish them few and far between, or I might get thoughtful and upload a huge batch at a time. For now, just know that my mind is at work, and I'm thinking about some stuff. I don't have a set length either; each could be miniature or gigantic.
(I plan on using MLA Style if I need any citations. Since this is the internet, I'll also provide direct links if needed.)